New info for V0.97 and a bit of Q&A

To put it simply, I have made a lot of tweaks and improvements, when 1.0 releases, it will come with a demo for those who just want to try it out!

my friend decided he has had enough of me using his email for the Q&A (BC of spam) so i set up a new one (
alright, here's the questions i got:

Q: hello, i have a question: why is PCB24 not released yet?

A: three things: Motivation (am working on fixing that), Bugs (not a lot, but they make the game very fragile to people who break or mess things up), not enough sprites (have a fresh batch of 21 on the way!) and finally, save system. because there will be nearly 180 parts in PCB24, and i have to make a variable for EACH of them, i have to make a save code system (its not difficult, it just will take so much f*kin time because i need like 60 join blocks, 177 part variable blocks whatever, you get it (i hope). its a lot.

Q: RaceX is overpriced and not worth the money

A: Not true (1$ is lowest it can go on without sales) and no one has purchased the game yet (i promise i fixed all the bugs, the back to track selector button showing up in the trailer is just a fluke as you can tell if you saw it

Q: hey, can i get RATBT2 PRO for free?

A: did you put your username like two months ago to be put on the random wheel and win it free? probably not as no-one participated (gave a copy to said friend to calm him down about spam)

Q: update the phone sim game on castle pls

A: done, it now works and you can sell phones (although it needs refining as it is sorta buggy)


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